• New Mexico Edition •



New Mexico's Confirmed Haunted Cemeteries - Ghost Sightings, Apparitions & Paranormal Phenomena Confirmed

What's scarier at night than a graveyard? One that's haunted. Across New Mexico, there are numerous cemeteries that are believed to be haunted, where spirits reportedly lurk at night, and refuse to accept their grave as a final resting place. If you're feeling brave, you might want to go on a ghost tour of a local cemetery, where an expert can tell you all about the spirits that have been known to haunt your local graveyards, as well as the haunted history of the location.
  •   Dawson Cemetery Raton, NM
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    Established in 1913, Dawson Cemetery is a historical landmark that is believed to be a bit more haunted than most cemeteries. It is located just 17 miles east of Cimarron, and the town has been deserted since the 1950s. Some of the haunting reports at this cemetery include spectral lights that are believed to be the miners’ helmet lights and various apparitions wandering among the... Read More

    Categories: Real Haunted Cemeteries | Real Haunted Places

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Note: New Mexico Haunted Houses would like to remind all Haunt Seekers to be respectful of Cemeteries & Grave Sites when visiting.