• New Mexico Edition •



Haunted Houses & Halloween Attractions in New Mexico

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The quick and easy way to find all the exciting Halloween attractions in the New Mexico area for 2025! Halloween is just around the corner, and if you're looking for some spooky fun then you've come to the right place. We've put together a list of local New Mexico haunted houses, hay rides, spook walks, and more for the scariest day of 2025! Check out all the attractions below - there's something for everyone!

Amarillo Scaregrounds

Located in Amarillo

Amarillo Scaregrounds is the largest haunted house in the area offering 5 seperate attractions: Insanitarium, Terror, The Basement, Blackout Maze, Axe Slinger Society and Xcape Room Village. Insanitarium is our Zombie infested hospital. Terror is full of everything that goes bump in the night. The Basement is 15,000 square feet of your worst nightmare. B Trail... Read More

Ghost Tour of Old Town - ABQ's ORIGINAL Ghost Walk - Since 2001

Located in Albuquerque

Legends, folklore, ghost stories and history come to life as you depart on an intriguing excursion through 317 years of haunted history. Old Town was founded in 1706, and for more than three centuries people have lived and died around the Old Town Plaza. The historic buildings and dark alleys conceal the long-forgotten secrets of battles, murders, hangings, and hidden cemeteries. Profes... Read More

Nichols Ranch and Orchards Pumpkin Patch & Apple Festival

Located in La Luz

Apple Festival is held the first weekend of October with apple picking available along with apple pie, caramel apples, fresh cider, cider donuts. Food trucks, over 80 arts and crafts vendors, petting zoo and other kid's activities available. Pumpkin Patch is generally held the third weekend of October with pumpkins available along with food trucks and Halloween themed vendors. Apple picking avai... Read More

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Halloween 2024 NewMexicoHauntedHouses.com attracted over 17,538 visitors. More...

New Mexico Real Haunted Places

Check out New Mexico's Real Haunts, where ghosts, ghouls, and apparitions make their home year round! Across New Mexico, there are tons of houses, cemeteries, and places that are truly haunted - get all the gory details about New Mexico's Real Haunts right here!